Unlock Flavourful Delights: Discover the Best Marinade Ingredients from a Trusted Supplier in Malaysia

Marination is a time-honoured culinary technique that involves immersing food in a seasoned liquid prior to cooking. A marinade is a liquid concoction that infuses food items with oils, herbs, and spices. They function to either introduce flavours, change the overall texture, or do both! We can marinade almost any kind of food there is [...]


The Best Seasonings for Food Manufacturers

Markaids Season-aid™ Range — The Best Seasonings for Food Manufacturers It’s no secret that consumers have an inherent desire for moments of savoury delight and umami every now and then. Seasonings have long made their stance in having the ability to enhance any dining experience, incentivise appetite, and transform simple-tasting primary ingredients into flavourful [...]

Let Out the Flavours of Ramadhan With Our Limited Deals on Seasonings and Marinades!

For the upcoming Ramadan, we are thrilled to announce a limited-time offer on two of our most sought-after and top-performing products — our delectable Season-aid™ and mouth-watering TenderMax™. These products have been carefully crafted by our Innovation Technologists at our Innovation Centre to bring out the best in your product range. As a food [...]

Season Up Your Food With Season-aid™ Malaysia

What is Food Seasoning? By definition, seasoning is the process of enhancing food with a particular flavour or taste by adding a mixture of salts, spices, and herbs. The combination of these ingredients creates deep, balanced, and flavoursome food. It enhances the aromas and tastes of food making it delectable and even more mouth-watering. [...]


What are Spice Oleoresins?

What are Spice Oleoresins? Spice oleoresins are the concentrated extracts of spices obtained through solvent extraction. They represent the total flavour of the particular spice in question — as extracts are rich in compounds capable of providing aroma, taste, colour, and pungency — making oleoresins additives of interest to the food industry. Some of [...]

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